The Health ministry utilizes the services of the congregation’s health professionals to provide health awareness programs, sponsor health education programs and disseminate health related information to the congregation and the community. This ministry an integral part of our vision to provide a meaningful and relevant ministry that meets the needs of the total person, body, mind and spirit.
The COVID-19 pandemic with its disproportionate health and social-economic effects on the African American community, mandates bold new models to ensure that vulnerable communities receive maximum support and services. Information on the spread and control of the coronavirus is constantly being updated. The Leadership Council for Healthy Communities’ Virtual Health Ministry (VHM) has coordinated an alliance of concerned District citizens to prioritize the needs of our most vulnerable populations under the leadership of faith institutions with a focus on providing access to urgent medical care, social services and COVID 19 specific education. The Virtual Health Ministry outreach and care coordination program supports vulnerable residents during the COVID-19 public health pandemic and beyond.
Operating in faith Institutions and serving as the primary point of contact; the Virtual Health Ministry (VHM) Coordinator will:
Church School
Saturday at 11:00am | Sunday at 9:30am
Sunday Morning Worship
New Members Class
New Members Class is held virtually
Prayer Service
Every Wednesday at 6:30PM
Bible Study
Every Wednesday at 7:00PM
Baptism is held on the First Sunday in the following months: January, March, May, July, September and November.
Holy Communion
Communion is held each First Sunday at 10:45AM
2 Corinthians 9:7: Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
Israel Baptist Church, 1251 Saratoga Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20018, | Phone: 202-269-0288 |
Church Office Hours: Thursday, 12:30pm to 5:00pm,
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