IBC Mass Choir, IBC Women’s Choir, IBC Male Chorus, IBC Combined Choir and the IBC Youth Choir.
Mr. Winston Hall (Organist); Nervalee Harris (Pianist & Organist);Terry Lambert (Bass Guitarist); Thomas Crosby (Lead Guitar); Morris Shearin, Jr. (Drummer); Michael Taylor (Trombonist); Min. Huel West (Saxaphonist); Kim Thevenin (Youth Choir & 3rd Sunday Choir Director); Bill Ellis (Male Chorus Director).
The Music Committee, under the direction of Sis. Glenece Atwater, serves as a support system to the Minister of Music. The Music Committee works closely with the Minister of Music in the planning of worship services, music ministry events (internal and external) as well as provides guidance to those members who serve within the Music Ministry at Israel.
The Audio Visual Ministry team is responsible for operating the sound system equipment and recording the worship services at IBC. This ministry is headed by Bro. Kevin Morgan and Mr. Kenneth Freeman.
You are welcome to become a member of the IBC Music Ministry! We would love for you take part of serving the Lord through song!
Persons interested in serving in any choir are welcome to attend a regularly scheduled rehearsal. For rehearsal information, see the schedule below or refer to our Weekly Bulletin!
If you have any questions pertaining to the Music Ministry at Israel Baptist Church, please contact Dr. Gathers at 202-269-0288.
Church School
Saturday at 11:00am | Sunday at 9:30am
Sunday Morning Worship
New Members Class
New Members Class is held virtually
Prayer Service
Every Wednesday at 6:30PM
Bible Study
Every Wednesday at 7:00PM
Baptism is held on the First Sunday in the following months: January, March, May, July, September and November.
Holy Communion
Communion is held each First Sunday at 10:45AM
2 Corinthians 9:7: Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
Israel Baptist Church, 1251 Saratoga Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20018, | Phone: 202-269-0288 | clerk@israelbaptistchurch.org
Church Office Hours: Thursday, 12:30pm to 5:00pm, clerk@israelbaptistchurch.org
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